The Average Piper - Pipe Bags #2
All pipe bags require understanding and management in order to achieve and maintain the right sound. Each type of bag has its advantages, limitations, and maintenance requirements. It is critical that the piper understand his or her pipe bag…
The Average Piper... A Question
Let’s shift gears for a minute and talk about something else. From the very earliest words written we know that there is something about the Great Highland Bagpipe that has stirred body and soul. Average audiences are drawn to the sound of…
The Average Piper...The Bag #1
Let’s move beyond 'who the Average Piper is' and talk about the 'end goal' and that is to play music. The most basic element of the music is the sound that your instrument produces. The sound is a product of many factors. The bag, your choice…
The Average Piper Continued...
The Average Piper probably started as an adult. They probably were taught in a traditional manner and may have spent one or more years just on the practice chanter learning embellishments. Their first tunes were probably Scots Wa Hae, High Road…